Wednesday, 26 August 2009


Here is a schematic for a Solar hot water installation coupled with a wood burning stove I recently completed. The existing system was a semi pumped and vented hot water and central heating system.

The old fuel oil boiler was removed and the pipework modified to allow for heating via both Evacuated Solar Tubes and the Wood stove.

The main components were purchased from Navitron

I utilised a retro fit coil heat exchanger to replace the electric immersion heating element. My client is extremely pleased with how the whole system integrates. The whole 5 bed roomed house is heated via the wood stove and the hot water is heated via the evacuated tube solar hot water system and can be boosted via the wood stove.

If you are interested in a free quotation for a similar bespoke solar hot water installation then please do give me a call or drop me an email.

Pictures of the installation to be posted soon.

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